Honeycomb zeolite molecular sieve The pore size is uniform, the internal void structure is developed, the specific surface area is large, and the adsorption capacity is strong. It contains a large number of pores that cannot be seen by the naked eye. The pore size in 1g zeolite material can be expanded to have a specific surface area of up to 500-1000m2, which is higher for special purposes.
Adsorption between molecules
It is also called "Vandewar Gravity". Although molecular motion speed is affected by temperature, material and other reasons, it always keeps moving in the micro environment. Due to the mutual attraction force between molecules, when a molecule is trapped in the inner pore volume of zeolite, it will lead to more molecules being absorbed until the adsorption of zeolite is saturated.
physical adsorption
It mainly occurs in the process of removing impurities in the liquid phase and gas phase. The porous structure of zeolite provides a large amount of specific surface area, which makes it very easy to absorb and collect impurities. Due to the interaction of molecules, a large number of molecules on the pore wall of zeolite can generate strong gravity, just like magnetic force, So as to achieve the purpose of attracting impurities in the medium to the aperture.